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목록2025/02/05 (4)
Jamie’s Wonder House

Valley of the Kings Overview1. Location and Historical BackgroundThe Valley of the Kings is located about 5 kilometers west of the ancient Egyptian capital, Thebes (modern Luxor). It is on the west side of the Nile River, and was known as the "Land of the West" because the ancient Egyptians associated the west with death. They believed the setting sun signified the end of life, and so they place..

Seti I and Ramesses II: The Great Legacy of a Father and Son PharaohsTwo powerful pharaohs from Egypt's 19th Dynasty (c. 1292–1189 BCE), Seti I and Ramesses II, were father and son. Seti I was a great restorer who stabilized Egypt by strengthening its military power and making administrative reforms. His son, Ramesses II, became one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, leading Egypt to ..

7 Hidden Treasures of Egypt : Mysteries and LegendsAncient Egypt concealed countless treasures within pyramids, temples, and tombs. However, many of these riches remain undiscovered or lost to history. Over thousands of years, some treasures have been buried beneath the endless sands of the desert, while others have escaped looters and invaders. What secrets still lie hidden beneath Egypt’s anci..

The Periods of Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian history lasted for over 5,000 years, from the Prehistoric Period to Roman rule. It is generally divided into five major periods, each with distinct political, economic, and cultural characteristics. 1. Prehistoric Period (~3100 BCE)This was the time before the formation of the Egyptian civilization when small tribes settled along the Nile River and..